The archipelago

The Tremiti islands are a marine reserve, and part of the Parco Nazionale del Gargano. They are made up of five very diverse islands: San Domino, San Nicola, Capraia (or Caprara), Cretaccio, and Pianosa. They are in the middle of the Adriatic, and they are the only islands belonging to the southern Italian region called Puglia.
Really, Tremiti offer everything you could possibly want from a holiday: spectacular beaches and bays, luxuriant nature, diverse fauna and flora, history starting from the Neolithic through to the Middle Ages and up to the 20th century, myth and legend, glorious weather, amazing food, relaxation, and an all-round great lifestyle.
Only two of the five islands of the archipelago are inhabited: San Domino, and San Nicola. Except from Pianosa, they are all very close to each other. Capraia may be a bit far, but you could pretty much swim between San Domino, San Nicola, and Cretaccio - but do not attempt the crossing as the currents are strong between the islands.
San Domino and San Nicola are connected by a motorboat service and it takes about 2 minutes to get from A to B so fear not if the ferry leaves you on San Nicola instead of San Domino or vice versa!
Of course the language spoken here is Italian, but interestingly the dialect, as well as the culture, does not belong to the Gargano area. In fact ‘Tremitese’ is a form of Neapolitan dialect! that is because in the mid-19th century Ferdinand II populated the islands with fishermen and merchants from Ischia and other areas from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and they kept their language…to this day.
Being a marine reserve means that we have an incredible variety of fish, soft corals, sponges, marine flora, including some very rare specimens of posidonia; Tremiti offer some of the top diving spots in Europe.
Another name for the islands is Diomedee, because according to legend the demi-god Diomedes created the archipelago by throwing a handful of stones into the sea. There are also seagull-like birds called diomedee (Calonectris diomedea) which nest on the islands, and on moonless nights their cry sounds like that of a baby. According to legend, they are Diomedes’ soldiers transformed into birds, and at night they cry the loss of their god.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, click on the individual islands to read more about the characteristics of each one!